Англо-русский словарь военно-технической и сопутствующей лексики и сокращений с комментариями. Часть II: S – Z, сокращения, комментарии Киселев Б.
radn radiation
RAM radar-absorbent material
RAP rocket assisted projectile
RAS rail adapter system
RATELO radiotelephone operator
RC reserve component
RCIED radio controlled improvised explosive device
rct recruit
rcvr receiver
rd round
rd/min rounds per minute
rdo radio
rdr radar
recon reconnaissance
reg regular
regt regiment
rel release
res reserve
resp responsibility; responsible
RF radio frequency
rfl refuel, refuelling
RH rhesus
RHA rolled homogeneous armor
RHAe rolled homogeneous armor equivalent
RHIB rigid hull inflatable boat
RISTA reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition
rkt rocket
RMA revolution in military affairs
RMP reprogrammable processor
RN Royal Navy
ROTC reserve officer training corps
ROV remotely operated vehicle
ROZ restricted operations zone
RP release point
rpm rotations per minute; rounds per minute
rr rear
RRC Regional Readiness Command
RRG Regional Readiness Group
RRPR reduced-range practice rocket
RS radar set
RSO Regional Security Officer
RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition
rt route
RT radiotelephony
RTT Recapture Tactics Team
RV re-entry vehicle
RV reconnaissance vehicle
RW rotary-wing
RWR radar warning receiver
S survivability
S1 (14) personnel officer
S1 (14) personnel section
S2 (14) intelligence section
S2 (14) intelligence officer
S3 (14) operations and training officer
S3 (14) operations and training section
S4 (14) logistics section
S4 (14) logistics officer; supply officer
S6 (14) signal officer; brigade communications officer
S6 (14) signal section
S7 (14) information operations officer
S7 (14) information operations section
S9 (14) civil affairs operations officer
S9 (14) civil affairs operations section
SA Secretary of the Army
SA situational awareness
SA small arms
SAC Strategic Air Command
SAF Secretary of the Air Force
SAG surface action group
SAM surface-to-air missile
SAP semiarmor piercing
SAR search and rescue
sat satellite
SatCom satellite communications
SATCOM satellite communications
SAW squad automatic weapon
SBCT Stryker brigade combat team
SBD space base delta
SCATMINE scatterable mine
scd scheduled
sct scout
sct hel scout helicopter
sct plat scout platoon
scty security
SD situation display
SDA Space Domain Awareness
SDDC US Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
SEAD suppression of enemy air defense
sec second
sec section
secd secondary
SECAF Secretary of the Air Force
SECDEF Secretary of Defense
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy
secy secretary
SF space force
SF Special Forces
SF sustained fire
SFB space force base
SFW sensor fused weapon
SG smoke generator
sgt sergeant
SHORAD short-range air defense
shp shaft horse power
sig signal
SigC Signal Corps
SIGCEN, sigcen signal center
SIGINT signals intelligence
SINCGARS single channel ground and airborne radio system
SISCO signal, intelligence and sustainment company
sit situation
SJA staff judge advocate
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCM sea-launched cruise missile
SLERA self-limiting explosive reactive armor
SMART-T secure mobile anti-jam reliable tactical terminal
SMDC US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
SMFD secondary multifunction display
smg submachine gun
SN service number
SN secretary of the Navy
snd sound
SOA separate operating agency
SOCOM US Special Operations Command
sol soldier
sonar sound navigation and ranging
SOP standing operating procedure
SOUTHCOM US Southern Command
SP self-propelled
sp special, specialist
SP start point
SPACECOM US Space Command
SPC specialist (звание)
SPCE survey, planning and coordination element
spd speed
spec specification
SPIRIT special purpose integrated remote intelligence terminal
SPMAGTF Special Purpose Marine Air/Ground Task Force
SPO support operations officer
SpOC Space Operations Command
SpRCO Space Rapid Capabilities Office
spt support
SQ superquick
sqd squad
sqdn squadron
SRAT Stryker reactive armor tile
SRBM short-range ballistic missile
SS spin-stabilized
SSA staff-support agency
SSA supply storage activity
SSBN (fleet) ballistic missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)
SSC Space Systems Command
SSGN guided missile submarine (nuclear propulsion)
SSM surface-to-surface missile
SSN attack submarine (nuclear propulsion)
SSN social security number
SSR secondary surveillance radar
sta station
STARCOM Space Training and Readiness Command
stblz stabilizer
std standard
str strength
strat strategic
STRATCOM US Strategic Command
STSS Space Tracking and Surveillance System
sub submarine
SUBGRU submarine group
subor subordinate
subron submarine squadron
sup supply
SUPCOM support command
sups supplies
sur surface
survl surveillance
sust bde sustainment brigade
SUW surface warfare
svc service
svc ammo service ammunition
SVML standard vehicle missile launcher
SW software
sys system
T time
T towed
T&E traversing and elevating
TA target acquisition
TA theater army
TAB target acquisition battery
TAC Tactical Air Command
tac tactical
TACAN tactical air navigation
TAC CP tactical command post
TACP tactical air control party
TAIS tactical airspace integration system
TASM tactical air-to-surface missile
TBM tactical ballistic missile
TBM theatre ballistic missile
TC tank commander
TC Transportation Corps
TCAS traffic alert and collision avoidance system