Психология счастья. Новый подход Любомирски Соня
35. Общая концепция о преимуществах надежды и анализ «барьерных надежд» принадлежат психологу, ныне покойному К.Р. Снайдеру.
36. См. упражнение “Look for the Silver Lining”, MacDonald (2004), указ. соч.
37. Gillham, J.E., and Reivich, K.J. (1999). Prevention of depressive symptoms in school children: A research update. Psychological Science, 10: 461–62.
38. Этот метод называют «методом ABCDE», он подробно описан в 8 главе. Ссылки: Seligman’s (1991) Learned Optimism and (2002) Authentic Happiness, указ. соч.
39. Aspinwall, L.G., and Brunhart, S.M. (1996). Distinguishing optimism from denial: Optimistic beliefs predict attention to health threats. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22: 993–1003.
40. Seligman, M. (1991). Learned Optimism. New York: Free Press, p. 292. 41. Обзор см. Lyubomirsky, S., and Tkach, C. (2003). The consequences of dysphoric rumination. In Papageorgiou, C., and Wells, A. (eds.). Rumination: Nature, Theory, and Treatment of Negative Thinking in Depression (pp. 21–41). Chichester, UK: John Wiley. Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2003). Women Who Think Too Much. New York: Henry Holt.
42. Lyubomirsky, S., Dickerhoof, R., Kasri, F., and Zehm, K. (2007). The cognitive and hedonic costs of unwarranted dwelling. Manuscript under review.
43. Lyubomirsky et al. (2007), op. cit. See also Lyubomirsky, S., Kasri, F., and Zehm, K. (2003). Dysphoric rumination impairs concentration on academic tasks. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 27: 309–30.
44. Festinger, L. (1954). A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations, 7: 114–40. Taylor, S.E., and Lobel, M. (1989). Social comparison activity under threat: Downward evaluation and upward contacts. Psychological Review, 96: 569–75. Major, B., Testa, M., and Bylsma, W.H. (1991). Responses to upward and downward social comparisons: The impact of esteem-relevance and perceived control. In Suls, J., and Wills, T.A. (eds). Social Comparison: Contemporary Theory and Research (pp. 237–60). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Affleck, G., and Tennen, H. (1991). Social comparison and coping with major medical problems. In Suls and Wills, op. cit., (pp. 369–93).
45. Lyubomirsky, S., and Ross, L. (1997). Hedonic consequences of social comparison: A contrast of happy and unhappy people. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73: 1141–57.
46. Исходные слова – basis, snowy, toxin.
47 Nolen-Hoeksema (2003), указ. соч.
48. Fredrickson, B.L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56: 218–26.
49. Carlson, R. (1997). Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff-and It’s All Small Stuff. New York: Hyperion.
50. Tedeschi, R.G., Park, C.L., and Calhoun, L.G. (eds.). (1998). Posttraumatic growth: Positive changes in the aftermath of crisis. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
1. Berscheid, E. (2003). The human’s greatest strength: Other humans. In Aspinwall, L.G., and Staudinger, U.M., (eds.). A Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology (pp. 37–47). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The quote appears on p. 39.
2. Lyubomirsky, King, et al. (2005), указ. соч.
3. Обзор см. там же.
4. Это исследование описано в Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, et al. (2005), указ. соч.
5. Tkach (2005), указ. соч.
6. Все исследования, проведенные в моей лаборатории (и описанные в этой книге), включали по крайней мере одну контрольную группу. Контрольная группа в данном исследовании состояла из участников, которые не совершали других добрых дел. Их инструктировали просто описывать разные события, происходившие с ними в течение недели.
7. Williamson, G.M., and Clark, M.S. (1989). Providing help and desired relationship type as determinants of changes in moods and self-evaluations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56: 722–34.
8. Clark, M.C., (ed.). Prosocial Behavior: Review of Personality and Social Psychology (vol. 12, pp. 238–64). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
9. Trivers, R. (1971). The evolution of reciprocal altruism. Quarterly Review of Biology, 46: 35–57.
10. For a review of the literature on volunteering and well-being, see Piliavin, J.A. (2003). Doing well by doing good: Benefits for the benefactor. In Keyes, C.L. M., and Haidt, J., (eds.). Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived (pp. 227–47). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
11. Schwartz, C.E., and Sendor, M. (1999). Helping others helps oneself: Response shift effects in peer support. Social Science and Medicine, 48: 1563–75.
12. К сожалению, пять участников – это слишком мало («слишком маленький объем выборки», как говорят ученые), чтобы позволить исследователям обобщить полученные результаты. Во всех исследованиях, которые я проводила вместе со своими студентами и коллегами, – на самом деле почти во всех исследованиях, описанных этой книге, – объемы выборки были достаточно большими, чтобы позволить сделать такие обобщения, и достаточно большими, чтобы позволить провести сравнение между группами (например, чтобы ответить на такие вопросы, как: действительно ли группа участников, делавших добрые дела, была счастливее, чем участники контрольной группы?) и через определенные промежутки времени (например, действительно ли группа участников, делавших добрые дела, была счастливее в мае, чем в январе?).
13. Вот несколько примеров: заплатить за парковку для другого водителя или положить мелочь в парковочный автомат; убрать мусор в своем районе, на пляже или в парке; покрасить соседский дом; стать волонтером в приюте для бездомных или в церкви/храме/мечети; научить читать неграмотного взрослого; приготовить праздничный ужин для члена семьи, соседа или друга; провести время с пожилым родственником или соседом, посетить дом престарелых; уступить кому-нибудь место в метро или в автобусе; сделать неприятную работу по дому, даже когда не ваша очередь; спасти животное; придержать перед кем-нибудь дверь или пропустить кого-нибудь перед собой в очереди; помочь кому-нибудь донести тяжелую сумку; пожертвовать деньги на благотворительность, сдать донорскую кровь; позвонить, написать письмо или зайти в гости к другу, переживающему трудный период; научить чему-нибудь ребенка; оставить благодарственное письмо для почтальона, дворника или любого другого, кто делает вашу жизнь проще.
14. Некоторые из этих предложений заимствованы из Carlson (1997), указ. соч.
15. Algoe and Haidt (2006), указ. соч.
16. Glynn, S.A., Busch, M.P., Schreiber, G.B., Murphy, E.L., Wright, D.J., Tu, Y., Kleinman, S.H., and NHLBI REDS study group (2003). Effect of a national disaster on blood supply and safety: The September 11 experience. Journal of the American Medical Association, 289: 2246–53.
17. Esterling, B.A., Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., Bodnar, J.C., and Glaser, R. (1994). Chronic stress, social support, and persistent alterations in the natural killer cell response to cytokines in older adults. Health Psychology, 13: 291–98.
18. Weitzenkamp, D.A., Gerhart, K.A., Charlifue, S.W., Whiteneck, G.G., and Savic, G. (1997). Spouses of spinal cord injury survivors: The added impact of caregiving. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 78: 822–27.
19. Specter, M. (2005, October 24). What money can buy. New Yorker.
20. Обзор см. Lyubomirsky, King, et al. (2005), op. cit. See also Myers (2000), указ. соч.
21. Baumeister, R.F., and Leary, M.R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117: 497–529.
22. House, J.S., Landis, K.R., and Umberson, D. (1988). Social relationships and health. Science, 241: 540–45. Kaplan, R.M., and Toshima, M.T. (1990). The functional effects of social relationships on chronic illnesses and disability. In Sarason, B.R., Sarason, I.G., and Pierce, G.R., (eds.). Social Support: An Interactional View (pp. 427–53). Oxford, UK: John Wiley. Verbrugge, L.M. (1979). Marital status and health. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 41: 267–85. Lynch, J.J. (1977). The Broken Heart: The Medical Consequences of Loneliness. New York: Basic Books.
23. Вот три других фактора, объединяющих жителей Сардинии, Окинавы и адвентистов седьмого дня: они не курят, ведут активный образ жизни и не едят мяса. Buettner, D. (2005, November). “New wrinkles on aging.” National Geographic, 2–27.
24. Berscheid, E., and Reis, H.T. (1998). Attraction and close relationships. In Gilbert, D.T., Fiske, S.T., and Lindzey, G., (eds.). The Handbook of Social Psychology, 4th ed. (vol. 2, pp. 193–281). New York: McGraw-Hill.
25. Rainwater, L. (1994). Family equivalence as a social construction. In Ekert-Jaffe, D. (ed.). Standards of Living and Families: Observation and Analysis (pp. 25–39). Montrouge, France: John Libbey Eurotext.
26. Easterlin, R.A. (2005). A puzzle for adaptive theory. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 56: 513–21.
27. Gottman, J.M., and Silver, N. (1999). The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. New York: Three Rivers Press.
28. Gottman, J.M. (1994). What Predicts Divorce: The Relationship Between Marital Processes and Marital Outcomes. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
29. Ibid. 30. Drigotas, S.M., Rusbult, C.E., Wieselquist, J., and Whitton, S.W. (1999). Close partner as sculptor of the ideal self: Behavioral affirmation and the Michelangelo phenomenon. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77: 293–323. Drigotas, S.M. (2002). The Michelangelo phenomenon and personal well-being. Journal of Personality, 70: 59–77.
31. Murray, S.L., Holmes, J.G., and Griffin, D.W. (1996). The self-fulfilling nature of positive illusions in romantic relationships: Love is not blind, but prescient. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71: 1155–80.
32. Эту прекрасную работу провели Шелли Гейбл, Гарри Рейс и их коллеги: Gable, S.L., Reis, H.T., Asher, E.R. and Impett, E.A. (2004). What do you do when things go right?: The intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits of sharing positive events. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87: 228–45.
33. Schueller, S.M. (2006). Personality fit and positive interventions. Is extraversion important? Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania.
34. Gottman and Silver (1999), указ. соч.
35. Keil, C.P. (1998). Loneliness, stress, and human-animal attachment among older adults. In Wilson, C.C., and Turner, D.C., (eds.). Companion Animals in Human Health (pp. 123–34). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
36. Эти исследования одиноких людей недавно собрали психологи Белла Деполо и Венди Моррис, не согласные с тем, что они называют идеологией семьи и брака: DePaulo, B.M., and Morris, W.L. (2005). Singles in society and in science. Psychological Inquiry, 16: 57–83. See also DePaulo, B. (2006). Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
37. Много этих предложений от Макгинниса, А.Л. (1979). Фактор Дружбы. Миннеаполис: Аугсбург. Магическое число «три» было предложено профессором Стэнфордского университета Лорой Карстенсен.
38. Русская поговорка.
39. Argyle, M., and Henderson, M. (1984). The rules of friendships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1: 211–37.
40. Clipman, J.M. (1999, March). A hug a day keeps the blues away: The effect of daily hugs on subjective well-being in college students. Paper presented at the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston.
41. В последующем исследовании Джейн Мари Клипмен дала студентам возможность подмигнуть или сделать комплимент вместо объятий. Подмигивание и похвалы также увеличивают ощущение благополучия.
42. Doehring, K.M. (1989). Relieving pain through touch. Advancing Clinical Care, 4: 32–33.
1. Ozer, E.J., and Weiss, D.S. (2004). Who develops post-traumatic stress disorder? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13: 169–72.
2. Billings, A.G., and Moos, R.H. (1984). Coping, stress, and social resources among adults with unipolar depression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46: 887–91.
3. Carver, C.S., Scheier, M.F., and Weintraub, J.K. (1984). Assessing coping strategies: A theoretically based approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56: 267–83.
4. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., and Morrow, J. (1991). A prospective study of depression and posttraumatic stress symptoms after a natural disaster: The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61: 115–21.
5. Schut, H.A. W., Stroebe, M.S., van den Bout, J., and de Keijser, J. (1997). Intervention for the bereaved: Gender differences in the efficacy of two counselling programmes. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 36: 63–72.
6. McQueeney, D.A., Stanton, A.L., and Sigmon, S. (1997). Efficacy of emotion-focused and problem-focused group therapies for women with fertility problems. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20: 313–31.
7. Lynn’s story was profiled by the Los Angeles Times: Foreman, J. (2006, January 16). “The mystery that is mourning.” Los Angeles Times, F4.
8. Tennen, H., and Affleck, G. (1999). Finding benefits in adversity. In Snyder, C.R., (ed.). Coping: The Psychology of What Works (pp. 279–304). New York: Oxford University Press.
9. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., and Davis, C.G. (2002). Positive responses to loss: Perceiving benefits and growth. In Snyder and Lopez, op. cit., 598–606. New York: Oxford University Press.
10. Taylor, S.E., Lichtman, R.R., and Wood, J.V. (1984). Attributions, beliefs about control, and adjustment to breast cancer. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46: 489–502. See also Collins, R.L., Taylor, S.E., and Skokan, L.A. (1990). A better world or a shattered vision?: Changes in life perspectives following victimization. Social Cognition, 8: 263–85.
11. Обзор см. Taylor, S.E., and Armor, D.A. (1996). Positive illusions and coping with adversity. Journal of Personality, 64: 873–98.
12. Самоотчеты участников, перенесших тяжелую утрату, приводятся в Davis, C.G., Nolen-Hoeksema, S., and Larson, J. (1998). Making sense of loss and benefiting from the experience: Two construals of meaning. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75: 561–74.
13. Shearer, L. (2001, September). When the friendly skies are not so friendly. Georgia Magazine, 80.
14. Affleck, G., Tennen, H., Croog, S., and Levine, S. (1987). Causal attributions, perceived benefits, and morbidity after a heart attack: An 8 year study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55: 29–35.
15. Nolen-Hoeksema and Davis (2002), указ. соч., 602.
16. Tedeschi, R.G., and Calhoun, L.G. (1995). Trauma and transformation: Growing in the Aftermath of Suffering. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. O’Leary, V.E., and Ickovics, J.R. (1995). Resilience and thriving in response to challenge: An opportunity for a paradigm shift in women’s health. Women’s Health: Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy, 1: 121–42.
17. Есть много описаний этой работы, лучший обзор см. Tedeschi, R.G., and Calhoun, L.G. (2004). Posttraumatic growth: Conceptual foundations and empirical evidence. Psychological Inquiry, 15: 1–18.
18. O’Leary & Ickovics (1995), указ. соч.
19. Там же.
20. Langer, L.L. (1990). Holocaust Testimonies: The Ruins of Memory. New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 59. Quoted in O’Leary and Ickovics (1995), op. cit.
21. Engh, A.L., Beehner, J.C., Bergman, T.J., Whitten, P.L., Hoffmeier, R.R., Seyfarth, R.M., and Cheney, D.L. (2006) Behavioural and hormonal responses to predation in female chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 273: 707–12. Dreilinger, R. (2006, April). “No monkey, no cry.” Observer, 12.
22. Pennebaker, J.W., and O’Heeron, R.C. (1984). Confiding in others and illness rate among spouses of suicide and accidental-death victims. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 93: 473–76.
23. Levy, S.M., Herberman, R.B., Whiteside, T., Sanzo, K., Lee, J., and Kirkwood, J. (1990). Perceived social support and tumor estrogen/progesterone receptor status as predictors of natural killer cell activity in breast cancer patients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 52: 73–85. See also Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., Dura, J.R., Speicher, C.E., Trask, O.J., and Glaser, R. (1991). Spousal caregivers of dementia victims: Longitudinal changes in immunity and health. Psychosomatic Medicine, 53: 345–62.
24. Spiegel, D., Bloom, J.R., Kraemer, H.C., and Gottheil, E. (1989). Effect of psychosocial treatment on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Lancet, 2: 888–91.
25. Gilligan, C. (1982). In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
26. Rook, K.S. (1984). The negative side of social interaction: Impact on psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46: 1097–1108. Windholz, M.J., Marmar, C.R., and Horowitz, M.J. (1985). A review of the research on conjugal bereavement: Impact on health and efficacy of intervention. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 26: 433–47.
27. Janoff-Bulman, R. (1992). Shattered Assumptions: Towards a New Psychology of Trauma. New York: Free Press.
28. Lerner, M.J. (1980). The Belief in a Just World. New York: Plenum.
29. Цитаты взяты из Davis et al. (1998), указ. соч.
30. Там же.
31. Bower, J.E., Kemeny, M.E., Taylor, S.E., and Fahey, J.L. (1998). Cognitive processing, discovery of meaning, CD4 decline, and AIDS-related mortality among bereaved HIV-seropositive men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66: 979–86.
32. Прекрасный обзор этой работы см. Pennebaker, J.W. (1997). Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions. New York: Guilford.
33. Обзор см. Pennebaker, J.W. (1997). Writing about emotional experiences as a therapeutic process. Psychological Science, 8: 162–66. Frattaroli, J. (2006). Experimental disclosure and its moderators: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 132: 823–65.
34. Pennebaker, J.W., Mayne, T.J., and Francis, M.E. (1997). Linguistic predictors of adaptive bereavement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72: 863–71.
35. Pennebaker, J.W., and Seagal, J.D. (1999). Forming a story: The health benefits of narrative. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55: 1243–54. Quote appears on p. 1244.
36. Seligman (1990), указ. соч.
37. McCullough, M.E., and Witvliet, C.V. (2002). The psychology of forgiveness. In Snyder and Lopez, op. cit., 446–58.
38. McCullough, M.E., Pargament, K.I., and Thoresen, C.T. (eds.). (2000). Forgiveness: Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Guilford.
39. McCullough, M.E., Rachal, K.C., Sandage, S.J., Worthington, E.L., Jr., Brown, S.W., and Hight, T.L. (1998). Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships. II. Theoretical elaboration and measurement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75: 1586–1603.
40. Прекрасный обзор этого исследования см. McCullough and Witvliet (2002), указ. соч., McCullough, M.E. (2001). Forgiveness: Who does it and how do they do it? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 10: 194–97.
41. Hebl, J.H., and Enright, R.D. (1993). Forgiveness as a psychotherapeutic goal with elderly females. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 30: 658–67.
42. Worthington, E.L., Jr., Sandage, S.J., and Berry, J.W. (2000). Group interventions to promote forgiveness: What researchers and clinicians ought to know. In McCullough, M.E., Pargament, K.I., and Thoresen, C.T. (eds.). Forgiveness: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 228–53). New York: Guilford. Harris, A.H. S., and Thoresen, C.E. (2006). Extending the influence of positive psychology interventions into health care settings: Lessons from self-efficacy and forgiveness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 1: 27–36.
43. Karremans, J.C., Van Lange, P.A. M., and Holland, R.W. (2005). Forgiveness and its associations with prosocial thinking, feeling, and doing beyond the relationship with the offender. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 31: 1315–26.
44. Модификация упражнения, предложенного Мартином Селигманом и Трейси Стин.
45. Witvliet, C.V., Ludwig, T.E., and Vander Laan, K.L. (2001). Granting forgiveness or harboring grudges: Implications for emotion, physiology, and health. Psychological Science, 12: 117–23.
46. См. http://www.forgivenessday.org/hero.htm, примеры таких «героев прощения», в том числе известных и обычных людей.
47. McCullough, M.E., Worthington, E.L., and Rachal, K.C. (1997). Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73: 321–36.
48. Shapiro, D.L. (1991). The effects of explanations on negative reactions to deceit. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36: 614–30.
49. McCullough et al. (1997), op. cit., McCullough et al. (1998), указ. соч.
50. McCullough, M.E., Bellah, C.G., Kilpatrick, S.D., and Johnson, J.L. (2001). Vengefulness: Relationships with forgiveness, rumination, wellbeing, and the Big Five. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27: 601–10.
51. Remnick, D. (2006, September 18). The wanderer. New Yorker.
1. Gregory, A. (2005, March 21). “(Man at work thinking about golf, golfing thinking about sex, having sex, thinking about work.)” New Yorker.
2. Лучшее описание состояния «потока», по моему мнению, можно найти в книге Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper & Row.
3. Nakamura, J., and Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2002). The concept of flow. In Snyder, and Lopez, op. cit., 89–105.
4. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Rathunde, K., and Whalen, S. (1993). Talented Teenagers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
5. Csikszentmihalyi (1990), указ. соч., 10.
6. LeFevre, J. (1988). Flow and the quality of experience during work and leisure. In Csikszentmihalyi, M., and Csikszentmihalyi, I. (eds.). Optimal Experience (pp. 307–18). New York: Cambridge University Press.
7. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Original work published in 1975.)
8. Это упражнение предложили Мартин Селигман и Трейси Стин.
9. Wrzesniewski, A., McCauley, C., Rozin, P., and Schwartz, B. (1997). Jobs, careers, and callings: People’s relations to their work. Journal of Research in Personality, 31: 21–33.
10. Wrzesniewski, A., and Dutton, J.E. (2001). Crafting a job: Revisioning employees as active crafters of their work. Academy of Management Review, 26: 179–201.
11. Кроме того, некоторые находят состояние «потока» в вандализме, физическом насилии или в тираническом контроле над группой, организацией или страной. Другие испытывают состояние «потока», гоняя на машине на бешеной скорости, играя в азартные игры, воруя в магазинах или мошенничая. Это еще одна потенциальная опасность «потока». Такие действия могут вызвать временную радость и даже эйфорию, но в долгосрочной перспективе их риск очень велик, и такое счастье длится недолго. Так что выбирайте с умом.
12. Дэвид Лодж предложил замечательный термин для этого феномена: «ностальгия по будущему».
13. Фред Брайант и Джозеф Верофф первыми исследовали и описали феномен наслаждения жизнью. Обновленный обзор см. Bryant, F.B., and Veroff, J. (2006). Savoring: A New Model of Positive Experience. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Их работа также описана в следующих источниках: Bryant, F.B. (1989). A four-factor model of perceived control: Avoiding, coping, obtaining, and savoring. Journal of Personality, 57: 773–97. Bryant, F.B. (2003). Savoring beliefs inventory (SBI): A scale for measuring beliefs about savoring. Journal of Mental Health, 12: 175–96.
14. Bryant (2003), указ. соч.
15. Там же.
16. Seligman, M.E. P., Rashid, T., and Parks, A.C. (2006). Positive psychotherapy. American Psychologist, 61: 774–88.
17. Schueller (2006), указ. соч.
18. Приписывается Роберту Бро.
19. Pasupathi, M., and Carstensen, L.L. (2003). Age and emotional experience during mutual reminiscing. Psychology and Aging, 18: 430–42.
20. Havighurst, R.J., and Glasser, R. (1972). An exploratory study of reminiscence. Journal of Gerontology, 27: 245–53.
21. Bryant, F.B., Smart, C.M., and King, S.P. (2005). Using the past to enhance the present: Boosting happiness through positive reminiscence. Journal of Happiness Studies, 6: 227–60.
22. Bryant et al. (2005), указ. соч.
23. Там же, 237.
24. Хамфри Богарт говорит эти слова Ингрид Бергман в последней сцене «Касабланки», прежде, чем она сядет на самолет в Лиссабон, чтобы никогда больше его не увидеть.
25. Lyubomirsky, Sousa, et al. (2006), указ. соч.
26. Langston, C.A. (1994). Capitalizing on and coping with daily-life events: Expressive responses to positive events. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67: 1112–25. См. также Gable et al. (2004), указ. соч.
27. Bryant and Veroff (2006), указ. соч.
28. Haidt, J., and Keltner, D. (2004). Appreciation of beauty and excellence [Awe, Wonder, Elevation]. In Peterson, C., and Seligman, M.E.P. (eds.). Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification (pp. 537–51). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
29. Этот прекрасный пример приведен в Haidt and Keltner (2004), указ. соч., 537.
30. Brown, K.W., and Ryan, R.M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84: 822–48.
31. James, W. (1924). Memories and Studies. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co. (Original work published in 1911.)
32. Джон Кебет-Цинн, основатель клиники Stress Reduction Clinic в медицинском центре Массачусетского университета, был пионером в этой области. Краткий обзор этих исследований см. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2005). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, 15th anniversary ed. New York: Bantam Dell.
33. Bryant and Veroff (2006), указ. соч.
34. LeBel, J.L., and Dube, L. (2001, June). The impact of sensory knowledge and attentional focus on pleasure and on behavioral responses to hedonic stimuli. Paper presented at the thirteenth annual American Psychological Society Convention, Toronto.
35. Эта история приводится в Kubovy, M. (1999). On the pleasures of the mind. In Kahneman, Diener, and Schwarz, op. cit., pp. 134–54.
36. Эту идею предложил социальный психолог Хайме Куртц.
37. Kurtz, J.L., and Wilson, T.D. (2007). “Looking to the future to appreciate the present: The function of bittersweet emotions.” Manuscript in preparation. 38. Boehm, J.K., Dickerhoof, R., and Lyubomirsky, S. (2007). “Endowing versus contrasting life events: The relationship between thought perspective and well-being.” Unpublished data, Department of Psychology, University of California, Riverside.
39. Приписывается Джиму Холлидею. Caen, H. (1975, April 15). [Editorial]. San Francisco Chronicle.
40. Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Arndt, J., and Routledge, C. (2006). Nostalgia: Content, triggers, functions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91: 975–93.
41. Lyubomirsky, Sousa, et al. (2006), указ. соч.
42. Epel, E.S., Bandura, A., and Zimbardo, P.G. (1999). Escaping homelessness: The influences of self-efficacy and time perspective on coping with homelessness. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29: 575–96.
43. Kessler, L. (2004, August 22). Dancing with Rose: A strangely beautiful encounter with Alzheimer’s patients provides insights that challenge the way we view the disease. Los Angeles Times Magazine, 29.
44. Обзоры см. Zimbardo, P.G., and Boyd, J.N. (1998). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individual-difference metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77: 1271–88. Boyd, J.N., and Zimbardo, P.G. (2005). Time perspective, health, and risk taking. In Strathman, A., and Joireman, J. (eds.). Understanding Behavior in the Context of Time: Theory, Research, and Application (pp. 85–107). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
45. Свидетельства того, что люди способны делать и то и другое, то есть жить в настоящем и быть ориентированными на будущее, – см. Liu, W., and Aaker, J. (2007). Do you look to the future or focus on today?: The impact of life experience on intertemporal decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 102: 212–25.
46. Цитата принадлежит бывшему президенту США Биллу Клинтону. Remnick (2006, September 18), op. cit., 53.
1. Wolfe, W.B. (2001). How to Be Happy Though Human. London: Routledge. (Original work published in 1932.)
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11. Strachman, A., and Gable, S.L. (2006). What you want (and do not want) affects what you see (and do not see): Avoidance social goals and social events. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32: 1446–58.
12. Именно это происходит при эффекте рикошета, когда мы так стараемся не думать о чем-то или не делать чего-то, что в итоге думаем или делаем именно то, чего хотели избежать. Обзор см. Wegner, D.M. (1994). Ironic processes of mental control. Psychological Review, 101: 34–52.
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17. Sheldon, K.M., and Lyubomirsky, S. (2006b). Achieving sustainable gains in happiness: Change your actions, not your circumstances. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7: 55–86.
18. The instructions for this task are adapted from Kaiser, R.T., and Ozer, D.J. (1997). Emotional stability and goal-related stress. Personality and Individual Differences, 22: 371–79.
19. Kahneman, D., Krueger, A.B., Schkade, D., Schwarz, N., and Stone, A.A. (2004). A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The Day Reconstruction Method. Science, 306: 1776–80.
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21. Модификации двух упражнений, предложенных Мартином Селигманом и Трейси Стин.
22. Цитата принадлежит Роберту Питеру Тристраму Коффину.
23. Sheldon, K.M., Kasser, T., Smith, K., and Share, T. (2002). Personal goals and psychological growth: Testing an intervention to enhance goal attainment and personality integration. Journal of Personality, 70: 5–31.
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27. Norcross, J.C., Ratzin, A.C., and Payne, D. (1989). Ringing in the New Year: The change processes and reported outcomes of resolutions. Addictive Behaviors, 14: 205–12.
28. Превосходный обзор см. в учебнике по социальной психологии: Myers, D.G. (2005). Social Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
29. Sheldon and Houser-Marko (2001), указ. соч.
30. Norcross, J.C., and Vangarelli, D.J. (1989). The resolution solution: Longitudinal examination of New Year’s change attempts. Journal of Substance Abuse, 1: 127–34.
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33. Lepper, M.R., Greene, D., and Nisbett, R.E. (1973). Undermining children’s intrinsic interest with extrinsic reward: A test of the “overjustification” hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28: 129–37.
34. Gollwitzer, P.M. (1999). Implementation intentions. American Psychologist, 54: 493–503.
35. Dube, M., Lapierre, S., Bouffard, L., and Alain, M. (in press). Impact of a personal goals management program on the subjective well-being of young retirees. European Review of Applied Psychology. For a similar study that confirmed these findings, see Green, L.S., Oades, L.G., and Grant, A.M. (2006). Cognitive-behavioral, solution-focused life coaching: Enhancing goal striving, well-being, and hope. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1: 142–49.
36. Dube et al., указ. соч. Случай миссис M. представлен на с. 17–20.
1. Прекрасный обзор см. Ellison, C.G., and Levin, J.S. (1998). The religion-health connection: Evidence, theory, and future directions. Health Education and Behavior, 25: 700–20. Another very readable review is Myers (2000), указ. соч.
2. McIntosh, D.N., Silver, R.C., and Wortman, C.B. (1993). Religion’s role in adjustment to a negative life event: Coping with the loss of a child. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65: 812–21.
3. Примеры исследований, показывающих, что религия связана с хорошим здоровьем, см. Oman, D., and Reed, D. (1998). Religion and mortality among the community dwelling elderly. American Journal of Public Health, 88: 1469–75. Koenig, H.G., Hays, J.C., George, L.K., Blazer, D.G., Larson, D.B., and Landerman, L.R. (1997). Modeling the cross-sectional relationships between religion, physical health, social support, and depressive symptoms. American Journal of Geriatric Psychology, 5: 131–44. Oxman, T.E., Freeman, D.H., and Manheimer, E.D. (1995). Lack of social participation or religious strength and comfort as risk factors for death after cardiac surgery in the elderly. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57: 5–15. Strawbridge, W.J., Cohen, R.D., Shema, S.J., and Kaplan, G.A. (1997). Frequent attendance at religious services and mortality over 28 years. American Journal of Public Health, 87: 957–61.
4. Oxman et al. (1995), указ. соч.
5. Koenig et al. (1997), указ. соч.
6. Ellison and Levin (1998), указ. соч.
7. Это открытие основано на данных анализа National Opinion Research Center General Social Survey. Myers (2000), указ. соч.
8. Ellison and Levin (1998), указ. соч.
9. Pollner, M. (1989). Divine relations, social relations, and well-being. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 30: 92–104.
10. Koenig, H.G., George, L.K., and Siegler, I.C. (1988). The use of religion and other emotion-regulating coping strategies among older adults. Gerontologist, 28: 303–10.
11. Quoted in Pargament, K.I., and Mahoney, A. (2002). Spirituality: Discovering and conserving the sacred. In Snyder and Lopez, op. cit., pp. 646–59.
12. Jenkins, R.A., and Pargament, K.I. (1988). Cognitive appraisals in cancer patients. Social Science and Medicine, 26: 625–33.
13. Baumeister, R.F. (1991). Meanings of Life. New York: Guilford.